This Pakistani Skincare Brand You Need On Your Beauty Shelf

This Pakistani Skincare Brand You Need On Your Beauty Shelf

The Pakistani Skincare Brand You Need On Your Beauty Shelf!

Statuesque. Resplendent. Beauty. Belle. Or as Merriam Webster defines it, “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.” And who wouldn’t want to be described as such? Appearing beautiful to your own self or others is one sure way to surge a person’s self-image and self-confidence. The evidence of the trend of taking care of your skin dates back to centuries in South Asia. This reflects the importance of  ‘taking care of yourself’ or ‘appearing beautiful’, even in ancient times.

Even today, despite the presence of commercially available products, the importance of DIY masks from the recipes that are passed down from generation to generation, remains untouched. The availability of all the ingredients readily in the panty and the kind of results they generate is one reason for this. Ingredients like Yogurt, turmeric, lemon, honey, Oils, flour, earth clay, Milk, Rosewater, etc are the most commonly used ingredients for skin care treatments in South Asia. 

While it is impressive that people knew the importance of skincare in ancient times, thanks to the advancement in the beauty industry, we now know of several practices that weren’t really good for the skin. Such as the application of raw lemon onto your skin; isn’t recommended since it strips your skin raw and damages it. Moreover, in this era of hustle and bustle, it is convenient to use a product that just needs to be applied to your skin! Luckily for everyone, we’ve hit a jackpot after trying out many brands but there is something that checks all our ‘ideal’ boxes and we’re here to share it with you.

So, Brace yourself for an amazing revelation that is coming your way and we’re mad confident that you’ll love it! :D

Jewels For Your Skin!

Jenpharm life sciences is a Pakistani skincare brand that commits to providing science-backed wellness for your skin. Trusted for over 8 years, Jenpharm is a dermatologist-approved, Halal, and cruelty-free brand that provides clinically proven results. But you know what is it that made me go ‘gaga’ about this brand? You get something for everyone from Jenpharm. From skincare to haircare, you get the concoction of the best ingredients in an affordable price range. So when I said SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, I MEANT IT! 


Starting clean is important in everything that you do, skincare is no exception! Think of clean skin as a clean, blank canvas that you can work on! If there’s any existing grime or dirt on your skin and you slather on multiple skincare products on top of it, it’ll end up choking your skin, and all your effort, products, and money will go down the drain. We don’t want that, do we?  Jenpharm offers 2 cleansers currently;

1) Maxdif Skin Brightening Cleanser; with perfectly blended Vitamin C, Glutathione, Niacinamide, Licorice & Chamomile that helps brighten up dull & uneven skin tone. 

2) MandelAC cleanser; with 3% mandelic acid, this sulfate-free face wash gently cleanses your skin without stripping it, while mandelic acid treats your acne. 

Pro tip: Avoid using beauty soaps on your face as they destroy your skin beyond comprehension.


Now that we’re done with cleansing, comes a very important step of moisturizing your skin. Your skin needs something that it can drink in to look dewy and radiant. A moisturizer is going to provide that to you. It is important to use something that protects the barrier of your skin and retains the moisture inside the skin. Ingredients like Ceramide, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin are humectant by their nature and provide intense hydration. Our Recommendation:

Jenpharm’s Dermive Moisturizer comes in 3 different varieties.

1) DermiVe Oil-Free Moisturizer; Lightweight, Non-greasy, ideal for Oily/ combination skin people! 

2) DermiVe Oily Moisturizer; Lightweight, softening, and soothing, ideal for dry skin people!

3) DermiVe Urea Moisturizer; Hydrating, healing lotion for your extremely dry skin problems.

Pro tip: Apply your moisturizer on damp skin for the maximum hydrating benefit and it absorbs much better on damp skin!


Do you know when they say everything we do has consequences? That adage is so true. For instance, if you refuse to wear sunscreen every day, your skin is more likely to get brown spots, age earlier than usual, or in worst-case scenarios, skin diseases. It is extremely important to incorporate good sunscreen into your routine and apply it liberally! It blocks all the harmful UV rays and allows your skin to stay healthy.  Our recommendation:

Jenpharm offers an array of Spectra sunscreens ;

1) Spectra Block SPF 60; Ideal for dry to combination skin. Lightweight and leaves no residue.

2) Spectra Matt SPF 40; Ideal for oily to combination skin. Lightweight and makes your skin matt, and controls sebum!

3) Spectra Block Max SPF 100; Ideal for dry to combination skin. Lightweight, slightly tinted to give mild coverage to your skin!

Pro tip: Use two-finger worth of sunscreen and reapply every 3 hours for maximum benefit!


Up until now, we were treading down the generic category of skincare products, but now we’re here for those who have specific skin issues they would like to treat. 

Issue: Acne, acne scars, open pores, oily skin.  Our Recommendation: MandelAC serum (20% mandelic acid)

Claim of the product: Treats acne, enhances the texture of the skin, Removes dead cells. 

Claim check: Mandelic acid is an AHA, a chemical peel that removes the top layer of the skin and reveals fresher younger-looking skin, moreover, it somewhat shrinks the open pores and controls sebum, thereby controlling acne. 

Skincare is essential

Skincare is often associated with the idea that you need to spend a fortune to get some results, but it is a misconception. Jenpharm brings you the best skin care products in Pakistan that provide a solution for your needs in a pocket-friendly way so you don’t need to worry about selling a kidney for the sake of good skincare! So sit back and enjoy the products working their magic on you, and we wish you very happy skincare!

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